by Websults | Oct 12, 2016
1. Website Speed Test Evaluate the speed of your website by visiting the links below: 2. Mobile Friendly / Responsive Test 3. Google Mobile Friendly Test 4. Website Security...
by Websults | May 26, 2016
Squarespace and WordPress are both great services to get a website started; however, WordPress is open source so the customization options are essentially unlimited. Unlike WordPress, Squarespace relies on its own prewritten code. If your website is on Squarespace and...
by Websults | May 24, 2016
Manually converting a WIX website to a WordPress website still requires the use of a plugin. This method helps to automate many of the tasks, saves you time and is forgiving of errors made. Before converting from Wix to WordPress be sure to select a theme on...
by Websults | Apr 20, 2016
April 20, 2016 (Tampa, Fla.) – Websults®, a website design and strategy consulting firm, seeks energetic interns for the summer of 2016. Websults’ internship program offers opportunities to learn more about website design and leveraging an online presence into...
by Websults | Mar 15, 2016
Web hosting is a service that allows companies and organizations to publish a website to the Internet. Web hosting companies are the ones who provide all of the technologies that allow for this functionality. They do this by purchasing or leasing space on a server in...
by Websults | Feb 22, 2016
A recent study has shown that over 87% of individuals living in the U.S. use the Internet. With this many people online, having a website to promote your business would definitely make for a smart business decision. Recently, a survey was done to determine the cities...