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The most important page on your website is undeniably your homepage. This is the central hub from which all of your site’s traffic flows. Here, viewers receive a first impression of your business that determines, more times than not, whether they will continue to browse your content and/or employ your services. Many times, our efforts are focused on simply optimizing our site on search engines, but if the potential customer is not intrigued by what they first see, they will not stay there! It is therefore extremely important to ensure that your homepage is visually appealing and mentally engaging. Consider these three suggestions on how to keep your homepage healthy and consistent on driving in potential leads:

Well-summarized Content

Much of the content on your homepage will be giving the visitor a general feel for your company. Who are you? What specific services do you offer? How are you set apart from other companies? Answering these questions clearly and concisely will help to design content for your homepage that gives the viewer a comfortable and confident sense of what your company can offer them.

Compelling Visuals

Be sure to have images on your homepage that apprehend the viewers’ attention. Many times, the first thing their eyes will be drawn to is the featured image(s) on any particular page – and this is especially true on the homepage! A growing trend for many companies is to use an image slider on the landing page so that viewers can see multiple visual representations of your work or the services you offer.

Accessible Contact Info

If the potential client is interested in learning more, it is extremely helpful for the company’s contact information to be present on the homepage. Adding a phone number in an accessible location, on the top or bottom over your page, makes it possible for customers to easily contact you via phone. Furthermore, providing a simple and functional contact form helps potential clients inform you of their needs in an efficient manner via email. These options are usually available usuing a plugin through your content management system.

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