Site completed quickly for higher education institution for the Navajo Nation
September 16, 2008 – (Nashville, TN) – Websults®recently completed a website for Diné College, a public institution of higher education chartered by the Navajo Nation. The site was developed after faculty and staff requested a more user-friendly, student-oriented site which incorporated the college colors of blue and gold. Dine College asked Websults to complete the site and its components quickly in preparation for an accreditation review. Websults achieved this goal.
Dine College Home Page
“Websults completed the work on schedule, professionally and with competence,” Diné College Director of Information Technology Francesca Sheikh said.
The site offers information to current and prospective students about the various academic and athletic programs offered at Diné. The site also highlights the Diné Policy Institute, the Diné Environmental Institute, and other specialized educational programs of the college. The school color scheme is incorporated through all of the site pages, a feature already proving popular with the Diné College community.
“The graphics for the new site received much praise from students, administrators, staff and faculty alike,” Sheikh said. “We were pleased with the way the school colors were gently but effectively incorporated in the design.”
“At Websults, we are proud of the client relationships we have with higher education institutions,” Websults Principal Jonathan Weindruch said. “We are pleased the new Diné College website met their needs, and we knew we could complete the work in advance of their accreditation review.”
About Websults®
Websults is a web site strategy consulting firm that offers organizations insights into best practices for leveraging the Internet across all areas of business. In addition to making web strategy recommendations, Websults takes responsibility for getting an organization results on the web. The company’s services include strategy consulting as well as implementation services. For more information on Websults, or to view the Diné College website, please visit