Websults-designed site includes WordPress Content Management System
February 23, 2012 – (Nashville, TN) – Websults® completed a new site for the Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC), a regional organization of the 13 counties and 52 cities of the Greater Nashville region of Tennessee. The organization offers programming, products and services to its member counties.
GNRC Home Page
GNRC’s new site features the organization’s member counties, publications, organization news and event calendar, and online contact form. Each of the organization’s agencies and programs is highlighted with a different design template on the new website. Staff at GNRC can also update the site using the WordPress content management system. WordPress allows the GNRC to update the site with current news, events and updated programs and information.
“The old site was very outdated,” Hope Jackson, GNRC Legal Counsel said. “Everyone we’ve heard from is very pleased with the new site. We’ve been told it looks great, Is easy to navigate and contains a lot of useful information.”
During the site development process, Jackson and Tim Roach, GNRC’s Deputy Executive Director for Planning, Research and Development, worked closely with Websults Principal Jonathan Weindruch.
“Jonathan doesn’t try to force your vision to conform to his own ideas of what your site should be,” Roach said. “While he is able to provide great insight from his previous experiences, we felt that he really listened to our organizations needs and wants and made it happen.”
“At Websults, we always work with our clients to provide them with the right website to meet their needs,” Websults Principal Jonathan Weindruch said. “We are pleased the GNRC site is meeting the needs of the organization and its clients.”
About Websults®
Websults is a website strategy consulting firm that offers organizations insights into best practices for leveraging the Internet across all areas of business. In addition to making web strategy recommendations, Websults takes responsibility for getting an organization results on the web. The company’s services include strategy consulting as well as implementation services. For more information on Websults, or to visit the Greater Nashville Regional Council website, please visit www.websults.com.