by Websults | Mar 9, 2015
Websults gave back to BrightStone’s “Music That Touches the Heart” silent charity auction which took place in February. Websults donated a voucher for either 1 Year of Web Hosting or 2 Hours of Website Support / Updates.
by Websults | Mar 3, 2015
Google recently announced a major change to their search results: Mobile-friendliness is now a factor in determining the relevancy of websites. In addition, Google will label your site as mobile friendly if it passes their mobile-friendly test. Google is launching...
by Websults | Dec 17, 2014
A slow website will leave users waiting and frustrated. To assure this doesn’t happen to your website, use Pingdom. It is a free, online tool which tests the performance of your website. The tool provides an overall performance grade, the number of requests, the load...
by Websults | Jul 27, 2014
Any WordPress site is potentially vulnerable to a brute force login attacks. Brute force login attacks occur when an attacker continually tries different username and password combinations from a pre-set list (think password1, password2, password3,...
by Websults | Jun 20, 2014
In most cases, Websults recommends WordPress or Drupal to clients. But each organization is different, and one Content Management System does not fit all. When choosing a CMS, the following factors should be considered: Cost – Is the CMS license free or impose any...
by Websults | Jun 13, 2014
Besides developing your web site in a search engine friendly fashion, the next most important thing you can do is to “evangelize” your web site by obtaining links into your website from third party websites. This process, called link building, should not...