by Websults | Nov 1, 2018
There are several reasons you might want to password protect a web page or even an entire website… to restrict access to a client specific product, such as photographs or artwork provide information to employees only protect others personal information, like in the...
by Websults | Oct 26, 2018
Google PageSpeed Insights “Google PageSpeed Insights” is a popular tool among digital marketing consultants. The tool comes in handy while evaluating the performance of a website. It helps in identifying performance best practices on any given website. It...
by Websults | Aug 23, 2018
User comments on your website or blog can be helpful and beneficial for creating engagement for your brand. Online commenting can be a source of feedback about your product, service, or content. The ability to respond to user comments can also allow you to build a...
by Websults | Aug 16, 2018
In the 21st century much of our information is communicated through websites on the internet. If you want to know about a person, what do you do…? Look them up on various social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. If you are curious about what a...
by Websults | Aug 9, 2018
Online form building is an easy, accurate, and convenient way to collect information from anyone anywhere. Form building services from can allow you to create a form for any need (event registration, wedding RSVP, customer satisfaction survey, order forms,...
by Websults | Aug 4, 2018
With the creation of the internet, the term “IP address” entered our vocabulary. This somewhat mysterious sounding term, actually refers to something relatively understandable and very useful in our technological age. IP address is the abbreviated “Internet Protocol”...